Monday, January 30, 2012

Full of Joy on Even on Monday?

1 John 1:4

That your joy may be full - Ye have already tasted that the Lord is good; but I am now going to show you the height of your Christian calling, that your happiness may be complete, being thoroughly cleansed from all sin, and filled with the fullness of God.

What is your reminder that you have this joy living on the inside of you? How do you activate this joy so it can remove any feelings of doubt, fear or boredom that come your way?

One way that I use to activate the things of God in my life is a very simple process. I remember watching a show when I was younger called "The SuperFriends" it came on Saturday mornings at 8 am. The SuperFriends we're made up of Super Hero's like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and a list of other Super Hero's who help save the world from the Evil Villains.

In the show their we're a two other apprentices superhero's called the Wonder Twins who were learning how to be super hero's. They would activate their superpowers by saying "Wonder Twin Powers Activate" this allow them to function as super hero's to help save the world.

I've hijacked their saying and use it as a reminder on how to activate the promises of God in my life. As I face a very busy Monday morning after a busy weekend, I just say this by faith "Joy of the Lord in me Activate" or "The Fulness of God in me Activate". Then I watch the power of God take over and turn my Monday and everyday into an awesome experience in Him.

Enjoy Him.

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