Monday, February 27, 2012

What is the Gospel 2

Man is fallen and depraved. It is upon this assumption that the Gospel starts, and takes its peculiarities as the Gospel. "The son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." I am not among those who think that nothing noble, generous, or lovely, remains in humanity.

Man, though fallen, retains a greatness even in his ruin. His nature has been terribly marred and defaced, but there is still some remaining excellence. Dig among the ruins of those noble cities which the foot of time has trodden down, and you will find there outlines of streets, and edifices, and columns, and statues, and many traces of former greatness. Search in like manner into sunken humanity, and you will also find many a mark and relic of original magnificence and glory.

But, Babylon in ruins, is no longer the "great Babylon" of the Assyrians' pride; and no man is now the exalted creature who ate of Eden's fruits, and stood as lord of earth amid the beauties and harmonies of Paradise. There has been a fall—a dreadful degeneration. All history declares it.

Gospel in Leviticus, The

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